Wednesday 28 December 2016

Illustration Friday - Rock

My uni course has a module called Responsive, where we need to enter competitions and do live briefs. Interact with real world, you know. We're compiling our submissions out of a few large briefs from places like D&AD and YCN along with as many little ones as we can manage. A fab weekly competition that most of my course are getting involved with is Illustration Friday. They bring out a new theme every week for students (and professionals) to submit work for, old or new, and it's judged on... a Friday!

I think weekly competitions like this, or any external group that push for you to post one new thing a month/week/day, are so motivating to be involved in. Having to be self motivated all the time can be exhausting, everyone falls down the creative block hole of doom every now and then, so keeping your eyes open for things like this can be what saves you. Does anyone have any recommendations?

For me, this got me back on track after Christmas. I have an ungodly amount to catch up on before next semester. *quiet scream*

PS: I think my logo is too big on these images, but I'm having such a mare with it that this'll have to do for now. I created all my branding using a brush on my iPad Pro (Adobe sketch app) but it's not on photoshop, I can't find anything close enough, so I can't redo it to size unless I use the iPad app and that is extremely long winded and I still might have to scale it sometimes. Breathe. I need to figure out a solution.


Thursday 1 December 2016


- SHOP: -

Oh hello! Well, the past year has been quite a struggle for me shop wise, what with balancing uni and a male and all, but you guys have kept it going. Your continued encouragement at any new product ideas I've had and support when they're released has meant the world. The support wasn't just buying them, but sharing them too, so I have even more friendly faces than ever before. For this, thankusomuch.

I used to do lots of Instagram giveaways, it was always so fun and I freaking love giving gifts, coming up with exciting hauls to send out and imagining the winner being so chuffed when it comes through their letterbox! I really want to get back into it, and what better time to try than the season of goodies - Christmas!!

About two years ago I realised "Sighh Stocking" sounded cool, so I've been trying to put a campaign to the name since then, hah! I think next year it will be a selection box you can order for Christmas - including goodies from some amazing independent stores I team up with - but lets give that another year to plan... yeah?

SO, what is this year's #SighhStocking?

Rather than restricting the giveaway to something I've chosen, I thought why not let you decide what you'd like instead? Plus, this isn't just a one product giveaway, you can potentially win multiple things you've wished for!


  1. Share the photo on Instagram AND/OR Twitter, tagging #SighhStocking and - This is how you're entered to the draw! 
  2. You may enter as many times as you like, but no giveaway accounts!
  3. This giveaway is international.
  4. The photo can either be this graphic, or any of my product images - if you think they would fit your feed better, haha! These can be taken from my website or you can take your own if you already own a Sighh product! :)
  5. In the description or tweet, let us know what's on your Christmas list this year. This must include at least one Sighh product, but I thought it would be fun to share other things we're hoping for too! It could give your followers ideas for their Christmas list, plus...


  1. The first draw will win a selection of the Sighh products they wished for, PLUS I'll buy them something else off their wish list too! Makeup, food, pyjamas, anything that isn't crazy, like, a car..! :')
  2. The two runners up will win a selection of the Sighh products they wished for. If you happened to purchase these items for Christmas/end up getting them from your friends, I'll organise exchanges :)
  3. Plus, loads of chocolate. Duh.

End date:

This competition is two weeks long, and finishes on the 14th of December 2016. The First draw will happen on the 7th of December (so get those entries in early!) and then the runners up will be chosen on the 14th

The winners will be picked using a random number generator, on both dates. Instagram posts will be added to the Twitter hashtag list, so it's an even field! 

I'm always nervous to launch campaigns like this! I really hope you guys think it's a goodn' and want to get involved! I'd appreciate it so much. I feel so FESTIVE doing this and I can't wait to pick winners and buy them goodies!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL AND A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

© Polly Vadasz. All rights reserved.